Before setting up your ad account you will want to make sure you have
setup your assets first as explained here "Setting up assets"
To begin using Givebot we recommend watching the "How To Set Up
GiveBot" lesson:
How do I get started?
How does the software wor...
This may answer the following questions/concerns:
Facebook account has been connected but Facebook pages not listed
how do I connect my Facebook page?
I can see my Fb account integrated within the connections tab, but
when creating an event it doesn...
First you will want to log into your Givebot account which you can do
here []
Once you are logged in on the left side in the navigation menu you
will see an option for connections, and if you click that yo...
You can access the training by logging into your account here
Where do I find the training?
How do I get started?
How does the software work?
To access the GiveBot software, log in at:
[] or click the menu link in your training
area marked "DASHBOARD".
Under the login, click the "Forgot Password" link under the log...